1. Create new data connection
On your phone: Press TCLMOVE.
Make sure Bluetooth is turned on on your phone.
On your phone: Press Account.
Make sure Bluetooth is turned on on your phone.
On your phone: Press the required account.
Make sure Bluetooth is turned on on your phone.
On your phone: Press APN.
Make sure Bluetooth is turned on on your phone.
On your phone: Press the required device.
Make sure Bluetooth is turned on on your phone.
2. Enter APN
On your phone: Press the field below "APN" and key in live.vodafone.com.
3. Enter IP address
On your phone: Press the field below "Proxy address" and key in
4. Enter port number
On your phone: Press the field below "Proxy port" and key in 8080.
5. Select authentication type
On your phone: Press PAP.
6. Save data connection
On your phone: Press Save.
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