HTC 7 Trophy

HTC 7 Trophy

Choose language - HTC 7 Trophy

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You can choose language for the phone menus. Follow these instructions to choose language.

Step 1 of 6

Find "Display language"

Press arrow right to access the main menu.

Step 2 of 6

Find "Display language"

Press Settings.

Step 3 of 6

Find "Display language"

Press region & language.

Step 4 of 6

Find "Display language"

Press Display language.

Step 5 of 6

Select language

Press the required language.

Step 6 of 6

Select language

Press Press here to accept changes and restart your phone.
Wait a moment while your phone is restarted.

Find "Display language"

Press arrow right to access the main menu.
Press Settings.
Press region & language.
Press Display language.

Select language

Press the required language.
Press Press here to accept changes and restart your phone.
Wait a moment while your phone is restarted.

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