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Click Best Connected Setup Assistant.
Select setting for automatic connection
Click Next.
If you select Automatic, a connection to the internet is established automatically.
If you select Prompt, you're prompted before a connection to the internet is established.
If you select Off, a connection to the internet needs to be established manually.
If you select Prompt, you're prompted before a connection to the internet is established.
If you select Off, a connection to the internet needs to be established manually.
Highlight one of the following options:
If you select Automatic, a connection to the internet is established automatically.
If you select Prompt, you're prompted before a connection to the internet is established.
If you select Off, a connection to the internet needs to be established manually.
If you select Prompt, you're prompted before a connection to the internet is established.
If you select Off, a connection to the internet needs to be established manually.
If you select Automatic, a connection to the internet is established automatically.
If you select Prompt, you're prompted before a connection to the internet is established.
If you select Off, a connection to the internet needs to be established manually.
If you select Prompt, you're prompted before a connection to the internet is established.
If you select Off, a connection to the internet needs to be established manually.
If you select Automatic, a connection to the internet is established automatically.
If you select Prompt, you're prompted before a connection to the internet is established.
If you select Off, a connection to the internet needs to be established manually.
If you select Prompt, you're prompted before a connection to the internet is established.
If you select Off, a connection to the internet needs to be established manually.
Click Next.
If you select Automatic, a connection to the internet is established automatically.
If you select Prompt, you're prompted before a connection to the internet is established.
If you select Off, a connection to the internet needs to be established manually.
If you select Prompt, you're prompted before a connection to the internet is established.
If you select Off, a connection to the internet needs to be established manually.
Select preferred data connections
Highlight one of the following options:
Preferred AirPort Connections
Preferred AirPort Connections
Mobile Connections
Other AirPort Connections
Click and drag the required data connection up or down to the required position on the list.
Repeat this step until all connections are prioritised.
Repeat this step until all connections are prioritised.
Click Next.
Select preferred data connections when roaming
Highlight one of the following options:
Preferred AirPort Connections
Preferred AirPort Connections
Mobile Connections
Other AirPort Connections
Click and drag the required data connection up or down to the required position on the list.
Repeat this step until all connections are prioritised.
Repeat this step until all connections are prioritised.
Click Next.
Turn prompts on or off
Click the box next to one of the following settings to turn it on or off:
Overriding Best Connected
Changing SIM settings
When the box next to the menu item is ticked (V), the setting is turned on.
Click Next.
Select setting for switching data connection during active data transfer
Highlight one of the following options:
Allow switching while data is being transferred
Allow switching while data is being transferred
Prompt before switching while data is being transferred
Do not allow switching while data is being transferred
Click Next.
Select setting for switching data connection when using another operator than Vodafone
Highlight one of the following options:
Allow switching to a roaming connection
Allow switching to a roaming connection
Prompt before switching to a roaming connection
Do not allow switching to a roaming connection
Click Next.
Select setting for delay when switching data connection
Click Next.
Click the box next to Number of minutes to ignore other connections after a connection is opened for to turn the setting on or off.
When the box next to the menu item is ticked (V), the setting is turned on.
If the setting is turned on:
Click the field and key in the required number of minutes.
Click the field and key in the required number of minutes.
Click Next.
Click Finish.
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