BlackBerry Curve 9360

BlackBerry Curve 9360

Choose language - BlackBerry Curve 9360

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You can choose language for the phone menus. Follow these instructions to choose language.

Step 1 of 10

Find "Display Language"

Press the Menu key twice.

Step 2 of 10

Find "Display Language"

Scroll to Options and press the Navigation key.

Step 3 of 10

Find "Display Language"

Scroll to Typing and Language and press the Navigation key.

Step 4 of 10

Find "Display Language"

Scroll to Language and Method and press the Navigation key.

Step 5 of 10

Find "Display Language"

Scroll to Display Language and press the Navigation key.

Step 6 of 10

Select language

Highlight the required language and press the Navigation key.

Step 7 of 10

Save and exit

Press the Menu key.

Step 8 of 10

Save and exit

Scroll to Save and press the Navigation key.

Step 9 of 10

Save and exit

Press Disconnect.

Step 10 of 10

Save and exit

Press the Return key to return to standby mode.

Find "Display Language"

Press the Menu key twice.
Scroll to Options and press the Navigation key.
Scroll to Typing and Language and press the Navigation key.
Scroll to Language and Method and press the Navigation key.
Scroll to Display Language and press the Navigation key.

Select language

Highlight the required language and press the Navigation key.

Save and exit

Press the Menu key.
Scroll to Save and press the Navigation key.
Press Disconnect.
Press the Return key to return to standby mode.

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